Dec 25, 2024Wednesday in the Word




DECEMBER 25, 2024


“The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son,

and they will call him Immanuel” (means “God with us”).

Matthew 1:23 NIV

On Christmas Day, we celebrate the greatest gift ever given: Jesus Christ, God coming to dwell among us. Amid the joy and festivities, let us take a moment to reflect on the meaning of “Immanuel” –God with us.

From the beginning, God desired to be close to his people. In the Garden of Eden. He walked with Adam and Eve. Through the tabernacle and temple, his presence was with his people Israel. In Jesus, this presence becomes personal and intimate. God didn’t send a representative; he came Himself. So, Christmas reminds us that no matter our circumstances, we are never alone. God is with us in every season of life.

There was a humility to Christ’s birth. Although He is the King of Kings, he was born in a humble manger, showing that God’s ways are often unexpected and compared to human expectations. This humility reflects God’s love for all people, regardless of status or background. Therefore, we should let Christmas inspire us to embrace humility and extend love to those around us, just as Christ did.

Christmas reminds us of the Hope of Redemption. Jesus came not just to be with us. His birth points to his ultimate purpose: to reconcile us to God through his death and resurrection. The angels’ announcement to the shepherds –“A Savior has been born to you”, is a reminder of the hope we have in Christ. In celebrating his birth, let us also rejoice in the salvation he brings.

So, how are we to respond to the gift? Gifts are meant to be received, appreciated, and used. Jesus, the ultimate gift calls us to respond with faith, gratitude and worship. The shepherds glorified and praised God. The Wise Men brought gifts and bowed in worship. Ask yourself, “How will I respond today?” When we take time this Christmas to reflect on God’s gift and offer him our hearts, we receive life anew.

This Christmas let “God with us” fill your heart with Peace, Joy and Hope. No matter where you are or what you’re facing, Jesus’ presence is present, offering love and redemption. May we carry the light of Christ into the world, sharing the Good News of his love with everyone we meet.

This is my prayer for each of you as you celebrate the gift that is given this Christmas. “Lord, thank you for the Gift of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Thank you for coming to dwell among us, bringing light, hope, and salvation. Help us to reflect your love and glory in our lives. This Christmas may we draw closer to you and share your presence with others. In Jesus’ name, AMEN.”

I’m wishing you ALL a “Beautiful Christmas and a truly blessed New Year!

Pastor Andrea (aka Rev. Andie)


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Just picture an amazing scene when Christ returns to the earth gathering ethnic and racial groups in the world. The Apostle John saw, a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, robed in white, with palm branches in their hands. They cried out in a loud voice, saying, ‘Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne and to the Lamb!’