Among the redeemed is a vast crowd before the throne, so huge that it defies human calculation. There are saints from every nation, tribe, people and language group. They are before the throne of God, standing in revered manner worshipping and praising before the Lamb. They wear white robes, a symbol of purity, and they hold palm branches, a sign of victory. They sing about salvation that comes from God and from the Lamb. What a picture this is. The saints are redeemed and rejoicing and it’s an immense size of a dense crowd.
It certainly teaches us that God will not be defeated. There will be no empty thrones in heaven. God will not be staisfied with a handful in heaven while the devil gets the majority. What kind of salvation would that be? Many will be saved. Many from every nation! And only God knows how many. This ought to teach us something about the power of the gospel, about the greatness of God’s heart. It will be the end to all sectarianism, the end to all pessimism, and the end to evangelistic discouragement.
Away with all such poor-me-ism and unbelief! I realize that as we look at the cultural decline around us when hope is dim, it can be hard to see the light of Christ and feel the presence of God. We, too, in our places of despair, need assurance God is with us, and that God will provide, even if it’s not in the way we might expect. They aren’t. God’s salvation is available. In the end, God wins. God is greater than our limited imagination. And God wins big! This picture of a vast multitude also teaches us that in the end every barrier that separates us will be swept away. Every prejudice will be gone. Every bit of human strife will be left behind and partisan bickering will simply be forgotten.
While we continue our wait and we proclaim Jesus is the light of the world and brings that very presence of God to shine on all people of nations, let us unite in patient hope and joyful faith that stands guard over terrifying uncertainties of the present. God is the source of our strength that keeps us walking by faith. What a good day that will be when all God’s children will meet together around the throne!
Persevere knowing that we do not obey for the sake of being different, but because we are so very different. Jesus is our exclusive source of spiritual light, and that following him will lead to a life of Unity in God’s Glory to a watching world. This is the glory of the Lord revealed in Christ. Take time to give thanks for the greatest gift ever, God’s wonderful Son, and join the many in worshipping him today and into the new year. Through all the celebrations and busyness, hold on to this vital statement. It’s not about just being together or even singing carols and feasting; this season ushers in a lifetime commitment rejoicing as the Almighty has broken into human history for your sake and mine. Cultivate your life one of praise that shows others who God intends you to be. What a way to bring in the New Year! Amen!